Archive For 2005

Smurf Bombs

“We wanted something that was real war – Smurfs losing arms, or a Smurf losing a head – but they said no.”

(But, then, I should really just shut my bloody trap. Shouldn’t I.)

Go Bush Go!

(But, then, I should really just shut my bloody trap. Shouldn’t I.)

Noah’s Ark and Jesus Christ

(But, then, I should really just shut my bloody trap. Shouldn’t I.)

Top Gun George W. Bush Action Figure

“I’ve written 29 plays. Isn’t that enough?”

Harold Pinter, one of my favorite playwrights, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

“Pinter restored theatre to its basic elements: an enclosed space and unpredictable dialogue, where people are at the mercy of each other and pretence crumbles.”

Pinter’s work “uncovers the precipice under everyday prattle and forces entry into oppression’s closed rooms”.

Well said.

The War against Reason

Playmobil – Security Check Point

God wants you to be rich!

Please translate ??

That’s the Power of 4

Christopher Walken 2008

(But, then, I should really just shut my bloody trap. Shouldn’t I.)

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