
The local Ghost Busters, leaving Burger King.

Scope creep. #webNerdHumor [ via @csskarma ]

SPAM email of the day – from good ol’ Birdbath

How do these SPAMMERS know that in addition to having a tiny penis and suffering from Erectyle Dysfunction, I am also desperately in need of some bird baths?!  Eerie.  I feel like I’m being watched…

Other senders so far have included:

Wind Chimes
Litter Box
Flea Control Options
Closet Organizers
Strong Steel Building
Wheelchair Van
Portable Toilets

“Related to your post: Tadpoles & Butterflies” #WTF?

Oh, I get it! : I wrote “mice” and “mouse.”  Which is related to tadpoles and… butterflies…?  Hmm.  Maybe it just picks random animals and combines them.  Anyway, helpful!  Thumbs up, Facebook!

Photo of the day: Duck Mask.

[ source ]

Web nerd humor.

Masked Monkeys. (Sleep tight, kids.)

Reminds me of the crucified masked monkeys in some photos by Joel Peter Witkin – only creepier…

[ source: : ] [ thanks to @davidnett for the link ]
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