June 9, 2009
Dream: Pin Darts War
Middle of the night. Going out of my mind trying not to drink. In an inner city somewhere, in a very small squalid apartment, living with Kari but no kids. I’m in college and have recently realized how much shit I have not done/handed in, and how many classes I have skipped. Wandering around town, going to bars but not drinking.
These two dark-skinned blokes are playing a weird game where they throw little needle-like darts at each other. The pins are several inches long but extremely thin, and they stick into the skin. I get in on the game, and I am not used to this so it is quite excruciating — I have hundreds of these long pins stuck into my hands, arms, face, neck, chest… But for some reason it is a release and I enjoy it. Derek Smith is there — “hey, I didn’t know you played!” — and he’s telling the other blokes about how some friends of his take it very seriously, and instead of straight pins they use darts with long curled pins that burrow down beneath the skin when they hit you and are really hard to get out again; he shows us a picture of a guy’s arm, you can see the metal spiral pushing up beneath the skin.
At some point I realize the other “team” is not throwing darts but wielding chain saws, machetes, and the like. I can’t figure out how this can be part of the game…
When I decide to go home I have to pull them out and give them back to the guy — it’s his special kit and he keeps them in a special leather bag.
When I get home I realize I’ve still got tons of them stuck in my skin. Kari is worried about me, because she thinks I did it to myself. I try to explain to her…
At some point I am going on a violent rampage, completely enraged and out of control. I can’t remember if I get drunk or not…
(But, then, I should really just shut my bloody trap. Shouldn’t I.)