
This is what happens when you let a 2-year-old use your computer…

Sometimes you go to use the toilet and this is what you find.

“A bow?” – YouTube, OR, “Our 2-year-old is a nut.” #KidsAreFunnyInsanePeople

Watching Nightmare Before Christmas and Olive realizes she can make us laugh by copying what someone says in a song …

If you please… Just a box with bright-colored paper. And the whole thing’s topped with a bow.

A bow? But why? How ugly! What’s in it? What’s in it?

That’s the point of the thing, not to know.

Apparently my kids (2 and 4) both enjoy the movie “Anchorman.” : )

So Olive hits the space bar in iTunes and the movie “Anchorman” starts playing. Turns out she and Oskar both find it incredibly amusing and want to keep watching it… : ) Will Ferrel makes Olive giggle a lot. And in the pool party scene were Ron has his shirt off Oskar says “Is he gonna turn into the Hulk?…” I love my kids.

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