March 19, 2013Are “Kosher” & “gluten free” really a selling point for guacamole? Seems akin to a loaf of bread that says “contains no avocados or pork products!”
May 28, 2012Drinking some “cran-apple” juice & it occurs to me that it really should be called “crapple” juice. (But I’m guessing that didn’t poll well in focus groups.)
April 25, 2012I wish they made a spray bottle that looked like a bear that’s had its hands & feet amputated. Maybe with a sprayer for a head?… Oh, sweet! #WTF
February 17, 2012WTF for the day: onesies for adults. Not just onesies — animal onesies.
February 12, 2012“More processed nutrition you can’t see.” #grammarFail Why not “Natural nutrition you can see”? Oh well.
January 29, 2012This pop machine makes me feel like I am in the Caribbean… I must purchase one of these exotic beverages……