Right Wing Crazies

Obama’s #Thanksgiving Message: Not Enough God for #Crazies at #Breitbart.com


Happy Thanksgiving from Breitbart.com!  According to whom, Obama is a not merely a satanic evil corrupt genocidal marxist muslim Al-Qaeda sleeper, divisive, inept, mean spirited, disingenuous, narcissistic brat — but the fork-tongued DEVIL INCARNATE!!

That’s because Obama is the most EVIL and corrupt President that the United States has ever had…


this is due to his believe in alley or whatever that false prophet’s name is that muslims worship




Haven’t you been listening? This is no longer a country Blessed by God. That ended with the election of a Muslim to the seat of Commander in Chief.

“Whatever we once were, we are no longer just a Christian nation…” – Barack Hussein Obama

“There is no god but Allah” – the engraving on Obama’s “wedding” ring. The same one he has worn on that same finger since his days at Occidental.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Satan himself appears as an angel of light and behind the Obama’s mask lies a heart overflowing with evil, greed, hatred, and genocide.


Obama’s god is Marx


The Usurp is an Al-Qaeda sleeper.


How can a divisive, inept, mean spirited, disingenuous, narcissistic brat thank God when he considers himself to be a god? There is no room within the pea sized obummer brain for anyone or anything else other than the won.


This is proof positive that Obama’s religion is Marxism. Period.


Muslims are just that way


Why would he thank God when he embraces Allah via his wedding band? According to our Commander in Chief, “There is no God but Allah!”


It is because he doesn’t worship the God of the Bible but another god. I would once have said it is the god of the Koran but now I suspect it is the Image of the Beast that greets him in the mirror every morning.


I’d bet that Baracky faced Mecca, knelled, and prayed five times to allah! /Sarc


The pedophile cult of hatred, violence, rape, murder, beheading, enslaving and terrorism. Islam , the Satan worshipers of the world.


He’s a marxist muslim SHILL God plays NO role in this FORKED TONGUED, SNAKE OIL SALESMANS world He’s the DEVIL INCARNATE

These people exist…..