My blood fills rivers
And I cry backwards
Wait for moments for mannequins to fight over me
Light their hearts on fire
And cut their hair and penises off
With a scissors
I love the sound of a scissors
When I’m asleep
I love the sound of a scissors
My head will remain
So snip away
While I’m asleep
I can sing with the best of the
I can sing with the best of the
So cut it all out
And see what remains
This is the experiment
Hate is but a word
Life is but a word
The man who waters his flowers with blood
Is not to be trusted
He works for the Band-Aid industry
We take his face at word value
And spell check it
Erase his face
But save a backup
My grandfather does not put out an Oldspaper
Because life goes on
But spell-check your name
Because you’ve lost it all
And no one cares
But you
You can drink yourself to sleep
But the last word will be had
By a preacher
So maybe you should try to forget
That you’ve ever existed
Pray for mediocre dreams
That don’t make you want to kill yourself
The bottom line is death
The bottom line is death
The bottom line is death
The bottom line is death
Make life and money
Make life and money
If the ship sinks and you can’t swim
You’re going to wish you’d kissed your
You’re going to wish you’d eaten breakfast
You’re going to wish you’d fucked a hooker
But most of all you’re going to wish you’d
Learned how to swim
copyright2003 by Dustin Hansen