Archive For 2010

This weather can go fuck itself (as Dick Cheney would say)

After 11pm and still 85 degrees and muggy. This type of weather makes me homicidal. But then, that’s why God created air conditioning.

Glad these socks come in a resealable zip-lock bag:

With other brands I have to buy the zip-locks separately, or wrap the unused portion in tin foil or Saran wrap or Tupperware before refrigerating or freezing to keep from spoiling. This is so convenient — why didn’t I think of it first? I’d be a millionaire. Oh well. Anyways, if you want easy to seal & store socks, buy Starter!

Before he opened the butter door in the fridge, he knocked on it & said “Hello?”

And before shutting the fridge door he said “Good night, berries.”

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