Archive For 2011

Hi, I’m Fred. You should buy me. Or not, whatever.

“Honey, can you run to the store and pick me up some Fred? … No, not, the George, I like the Fred. If they’re out of the Fred get the Dave. Thanks, hon.”

Daily wisdom from 5-year-old nephew Jack

Jack: “What would you rather do, get all the money in the world, or get paid 10 dollars? I’d rather get $10. Cause if I had all the money, there would be a war.”

SPAM: “Holiday Special.” How patriotic.

I just feel like signing “God Bless America”…

The local Ghost Busters, leaving Burger King.

Now Gmail is trying to tell me who I should “consider including” in an email? WTF?

The only way this could be more annoying: if there was a little animated paper clip icon saying it…

“It looks like you’re emailing your wife. Would you also like to include your brother and sister? I think you should. They’re probably interested in what you have to say, also. Consider including your mother as well. You never write her. Would you like me to do a little dance while you write your email? Just let me know. I’m here to help. I won’t bug you anymore — I’ll just be over here. You just pretend like I’m not here. Go ahead, I’ll shut up now. Just gonna let you write your email. Don’t mind me. *whistles* *hums* *taps foot* You done with your email yet? Can I help you write it? There are some spelling and grammar errors — I will just fix those for you automatically. I am here to make your life easier! I am Clippy! I can read your mind! I watch what you do and make suggestions based on your past behavior! … Hey, where are you going? … Ok, bye. I’ll just finish your email for you. I’ll just go ahead and send it to whoever I think it would be best for you to send it to. ‘m-K? ‘M-k.”

“Oskar, whatcha doin up there?” “Umm… I’m just chillin.”


Oskar, age 3. Olive, 7 months.