Archive For 2011

“Look, it’s a seven!”

Scope creep. #webNerdHumor [ via @csskarma ]

The dog says, “Woof!” The cow says, “Mein Fuhrer!”

“Daddy, look! Like in ‘Up’!”

Something about this site seems untrustworthy, can’t quite put my finger on it…

(I’m guessing when there was a stylesheet that stuff was hidden.)

Serious question for Spammers:  How exactly does it benefit you to have someone who is looking for viagra discover your site of Flash image slideshow scripts? I trust there’s a logic to it but it escapes me.

Archive of all the old Google logo “doodles.” #quaint

It’s kind of amusing to look back at all the old Google logo doodles and how they’ve progressed over the years — you can view them all here.

In the meantime, the amazing Les Paul guitar player/recorded logo is still up today — go check it out if you haven’t yet.


SPAM email of the day – from good ol’ Birdbath

How do these SPAMMERS know that in addition to having a tiny penis and suffering from Erectyle Dysfunction, I am also desperately in need of some bird baths?!  Eerie.  I feel like I’m being watched…

Other senders so far have included:

Wind Chimes
Litter Box
Flea Control Options
Closet Organizers
Strong Steel Building
Wheelchair Van
Portable Toilets