Archive For 2012

Random #SPAM email of the day: from my long-lost friend “Find Forklift Prices.” #WTF

“Search for the right forklift just for you!”

(See, if only they’d sent this closer to Valentines Day… My wife would LOVE it but I can’t hide a forklift from her for 5 months. She’s just too sneaky…)

Enjoy your pie, @MittRomney

“Are You Better Off? Well Are Ya, Punk?”


I think the question says more about the questioner than the answer does about Obama. 

Are you better off?

To which you’re supposed to ask yourself reflectively, “Well? Am I better off? Am I?”

Not, are we better off?

Not, is the country better off?

Not, is the world better off?

Not even, is business better off? Or Is the economy better off? Both of which would be more useful questions in an election year.

No the question is, are you better off?  Am I better off?

Am I better off?

What better question than “Am I better off?” to summarize an intellectual and morally bankrupt worldview?

It amuses me that people who claim to embrace a religion of selflessness, who loudly and persistently claim that the United States itself is a county based on that same religion of supposed love and shared sacrifice, who profess to follow in the footsteps of a prophet who supposedly preached selflessness above all else, would use “Am I better off” as their political compass.

“Am I better off?” so perfectly describes the self-centered, win at all costs and damn the consequences tactics of political parties and their PACS and their legions of bitterly blind followers. 



[ thanks to Kate Ducey Hanson for the link ]

Michelle Obama: “When you’ve walked through the door of opportunity, you do not slam it shut behind you…”

Finally getting around to watching the DNC speeches. Michelle Obama is spectacular. Just like with Barack, it’s so hard for me to understand how anyone can dislike her — yet there are people who passionately HATE her. It’s crazy.

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