Archive For 2012

Costco Customers Call for ‘Americans Only’ Hours #FunnyStuff

Residents of Bellingham, WA (the jewel of Whatcom County), have started a Facebook group protesting the hordes of dirty, filthy foreigners clogging up their local Costco and taking all the parking spots. They want Costco to institute certain hours when only American-born members are allowed to impulse-purchase pallets of baby corns and discount fruit dehydrators. But…it’s not the kind of crazy xenophobia you’re used to. These outraged Americans are sick and tired of Canadians riding their mooses across the border and taking all the jobs frozen pot stickers. O Canada, how could you!?

Look, people of Bellingham. This is an unwinnable fight that’s making you look like shit-heads. Everyone who’s ever been in a Costco knows that going to Costco sucks ass regardless of how many Canadians are in there. And anyway, while it’s annoying to have to waste half your day hangin’ in the milk-line, I have a feeling Canada is equally irritated by mobs of your sweaty, drunken 19-year-olds infesting its bars every night. So maybe we can just call bygones and stop setting creepy precedents that deny foreigners access to basic amenities? JUST A THOUGHT.

If you want a good laugh, read Christian apologists try to explain who Cain’s wife was.

(Short version: He didn’t necessarily marry his mom, so it’s no problem. Adam lived to be 930 years old and they had lots of children [33 sons & 23 daughters] so Cain either married a sister or a niece [not clear how the niece thing helps since the niece would have been the product of a brother and sister marriage], but that was ok then and it’s only later because of genetic defects caused by sin and God’s curse that incest is now problematic.)


Whew! So relieved I don’t have to believe that we are descended from ape people. Gross.

When Russians protest, they don’t fuck around…

The obvious question is, “how does he eat?” If you ask me he doesn’t look like he does much of that whole eating thing…