
“Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s rainin.”

Why the tax returns matter

How a person manages their own finances reflects on how they would manage the finances of our country. They tell you what a candidate stands to gain, and lose, from a variety of policies — like changes to our tax code. They tell you about a person’s ethics, their priorities, and their commitment to transparency.

[Romney’s] 2010 release raises more questions than it answers:

Why did Romney keep millions of dollars in a Swiss bank account? Why does he have a shell corporation in Bermuda? As voters, we shouldn’t just be curious. We should be outraged about this. Because you know that as Romney vetted his new running mate, Paul Ryan, he asked for several full years of disclosure on his financial history. And when you play by two sets of rules before you even make it into office, it doesn’t bode well for what’s to come.

–Jim Messina, Obama campaign manager

FACT: unless you’re a billionaire, Obama’s plan is better than Romney’s, which is “Robin Hood in Reverse.””

A non-partisan report compares President Barack Obama’s tax plan with that of the GOP.

In every instance President Obama offers lower taxes for the poorest citizens, while the GOP offers lower taxes on the richest among us.

Meaning unless you are a billionaire, the president’s plan is more favorable than Romney’s.

Read the actual report

[ via Justin Anderson via We survived Bush. You will survive Obama. ]

How Mitt would benefit from Mitt’s proposed tax cut plan. #wanker

The Best Government Money Can Buy

Republicans are now proposing to cut about $3 trillion over ten years from programs that help the poor, the unemployed, the sick, and the elderly. But that $3 trillion in cuts won’t reduce the deficit one penny because they are also giving $3 trillion in new tax cuts that go only to the very wealthy.

So they’re proposing to take benefits away from the most truly needy people in our society in order to give trillions of dollars to the wealthiest Americans. In every possible sense, many in Congress are actively trying to steal from the poor, the middle class, and even the moderately well-to-do and giving to the very rich and powerful.

And it will remain this way until we enact some kind of meaningful campaign finance reform.

Far from being a “nanny state” as Republicans claim, too many people in our government work for the highest bidder. More than ever, they protect the wealthy and the powerful instead of looking out for the people who need help the most.


Republican cognitive dissonance on government & jobs

Aside from which he DID save the economy which THEIR policies had destroyed and which was hemorrhaging 750,000 jobs a month when he took office.

Aside from which these Repugs do everything in their power to BLOCK anything Obama & the Democrats try to do to create jobs.

Aside from which they ran (and got elected) on promising that THEY would create jobs.

Aside from which they are shameless fuckers.

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